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The Riverside Centre and Café are run by GCA who have a heart for serving the local community in Ashford.

Our Community
Established in 2002, Gateway Church Ashford (GCA) has been completing the renovation of the old Wyvern School which had fallen into disrepair after years of being unoccupied. The building is now nearing completion and has become a hub for the church, many activities, groups, and a newly launched community café, the Riverside Café.
GCA has the heart to advance the Christian faith, relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship as a result of an emergency,
social, medical or economic circumstances. Also to educate and assist children and young people through their leisure time to develop their mental and spiritual capacity and grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society, and by extension to advance the education of family life and family relationships.
They are working on achieving these aims through:
Regular meetings which focus on bible-based teaching and worship
Youth and children’s ministries and groups
Community based groups including - Chronic Pain Support Group, Marriage Courses, English for speakers of other Languages course, Running and fitness groups, Gardening Groups, Photography and craft Groups, Support Group for mothers and toddlers, Support groups for vulnerable adults.
Further to these ongoing activities in the last year, provided Christmas presents and Easter hampers for Pupil Premium and LAC students across Ashford and ongoing practical support for vulnerable members of our community.
The church is open to all and is a welcoming place to come with friends and family or to meet others. Join in with the various activities and groups during the week, or visit on a Sunday at 9.00am or 10.30am.